4th Grade
fourth Grade Curriculum Overview
Students in fourth grade are expected to think carefully about (and ultimately use) details such as quotes, facts, and events from a text to develop and explain what they think and what they have learned. Students practice this as they read texts together as a class as well as through the reading they do independently. Fourth grade teachers teach students specific strategies they can use to do this. Fourth graders further deepen these skills as they write extensively about what they read. Students are expected to craft personal narrative, opinion and expository writing pieces.
In fourth grade, students master and further their multiplication, division, and general computation skills. They learn how to solve real-life, multi-step word problems using the four basic operations and larger numbers. Focused instruction in basic algebra, long division, multi-digit multiplication, measurement and data, fractions, and geometry are integral elements of the curriculum as well. Furthermore, students develop skills in how to use specific mathematical tools such as protractors and computer spreadsheets.
Fourth grade science curriculum covers specific areas in each of the primary disciplines: life, earth, physical, and engineering sciences. The life science curriculum focuses on the structures and processes of living organisms. Earth science works to develop the students' understanding of Earth's changing landscape over time, particularly through the identification of patterns and formations in systems found within and around the planet. Physical science curriculum explores energy and relationships between energy and force. Interwoven throughout all of the disciplines in engineering, which establishes continuous learning opportunities for defining engineering problems and developing possible solutions.
Social Studies
Exploring and developing a comprehensive understanding of our home state of Oregon is the primary focus of the fourth grade social studies curriculum. From its earliest peoples to current day resource availability and allocation, students gain knowledge about Oregon's unique history, civics and government, economics, and geography. Particular emphasis is placed on early explorers, including Lewis and Clark, Native Americans, and state and local political processes and structures.
Rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ as well as the teachings and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church, St. Pius X School seeks to foster in students' knowledge, respect and reverence for self, others, God, and God's creations. Students begin each day in prayer and pray throughout the day and Mass is celebrated weekly. The study of the Catholic faith is designed to inspire spirituality, critical thinking, prayer, compassion, and to live as Disciples of Christ.