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The Christian Service Program at St. Pius X is designed to help our students become well-rounded and globally-aware Christians who are dedicated to:

  • Love of God's people through sincerely heartfelt service.
  • Knowledge gained through realistic social awareness and the responsibilities which such knowledge entails.
  • Respect for all people regardless of race, religious beliefs, educational opportunity, financial situation, or social circumstances.
  • Justice in seeing that all people have fair access to fullness of life.


All students participate in Christian Service. Students in 6th through 8th grades are required to complete a minimum of 3 service hours per trimester outside of their school and home responsibilities.  Their service can be part of a school or class sponsered project or independently planned.  Through service in the Spirit of Christ, our students build community both inside and outside of the school while growing spiritually as responsible Christians.


St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive

Each year at this time, school families donate food to St. Vincent de Paul.  This year, our goal is for each grade needs to bring in 100 items!  Each grade will be competing against each other and the grade that brings in the most will get a prize.  The parish is focusing on staple pantry items.  This year's food drive will run from November 16th to November 25th.

Suggested Items:


Pre-Kindergarten: Gravy Mixes
Kindergarten:  Stuffing
1st Grade:  Jam & Jelly
2nd Grade:  Canned Fruit
3rd Grade:  Cereal
4th Grade:  Jam & Jelly
5th Grade:  Peanut Butter
6th Grade:  Canned Soup
7th Grade:  Canned Chicken
8th Grade:  Canned Tuna