Uniform Guidelines
All students are expected to be in the school uniform from 7:45 a.m.-3:15 p.m. each school day (except on designated Non-Uniform Days days). Students and school uniforms should be clean, and neatly groomed. All clothing should fit properly, nothing tight or oversized. Hats and caps are not to be worn in the school building. Please label all clothing with student’s name.
A. Uniformity
The uniform policy at St. Pius X encompasses clothing, shoes, socks, hair (color and style), makeup, jewelry, and personal hygiene. Students are encouraged to stand out through their character rather than their outward appearance. Uniforms are to be purchased from the Dennis Uniform Company and/or Lands’ End (Lands' End School #900137712) and/or Team Uniform. Polo shirts may also be purchased from Old Navy. Uniform shirts must be worn under sweatshirts. Sweatshirts are not to be tied around the waist. Uniforms are not to be covered with non-uniform items, other than coats or jackets. Items that are torn, frayed, and/or excessively faded are no longer considered uniform and will require replacement. If you are in doubt concerning your child’s uniform appearance, please contact the school office for clarification. Clothing should be laundered regularly as appropriate. Negligence of personal hygiene will be treated as classroom disruption.
B. Skirts, Jumpers, Skorts & Shorts
Skirts, jumpers, skorts, and walking shorts should be appropriate knee length (no more than three inches above the kneecap). No sagging below the waist, no low riding, no rolling of the waistband – clothes should fit properly.
C. Shirts and Sweatshirts
Shirts and blouses must be tucked in at all times. No stomach or back skin can show when both arms are raised above shoulder height. Sweatshirts may not be personalized with numbers, logos, or nicknames, etc. Undergarments must not be visible through the shirt.
D. Approved Uniform Items
E. Hair and Grooming
Students’ hair and appearance should be neat and clean. Boys’ hair should be above the eyebrows and shirt collar and should not be below the middle of the ears. Bangs should be trimmed above the eyebrows. Hair coloring should be natural. Students may not wear hairstyles such as punk, spiked, Mohawk, or shaved designs. What is considered extreme is up to the principal's discretion. No facial hair. Hair should be neat, cleaned, and combed. Girls may wear Dennis uniform bows, flat headbands, and hair ties. All hair accessories listed must be in navy, forest green, brown, white or black.
F. Scouting and Similar Dress
Students may wear regulation uniforms for Brownies, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts on appropriate days and occasions. Shirts or blouses should be tucked into shorts, pants, or skirts.
G. Shoes and Socks
Uniform and alternative dress shoes must be safe, sturdy, and completely enclosed. Uniform shoe style must be complementary to the school uniform. Uniform shoes (including laces) are to be black or white or a combination of black and white. No flashing lights or outlandish patterns are allowed. Unless they slip on securely, shoes are to be fastened with laces or Velcro. Boots may not be worn.
Socks are to be worn at all times. Socks are to be solid white, black, or navy with the exception of a small logo no larger than a quarter.
H. Jewelry and Makeup
Girls only may wear earrings—one pair of small (¼ in. max. diameter) stud-type on the lower earlobe not extending below the lobe. Large costume jewelry is not acceptable. No body piercing or any type of tattoos. Only 6th-8th grade girls may wear minimal makeup. Minimal means a clear, light colored lip gloss and light blush. No eye makeup is allowed. Makeup may not be applied at school. PreK-8th grade students may wear clear, pale pink and French tip nail polish only.
Students may not wear Apple watches, Fit Bits, or Gizmos, or any wrist band that connects to Wi-Fi.
I. Non-Uniform Days
Students may wear “Non-Uniform Days” on announced occasions. Specific guidelines will be described in the school newsletter. Uniforms must be worn to Mass on all days except for May Crowing (8th Grade) and First Eucharist (2nd Grade). Student must follow guideline for dress on these special occasions. Sweatshirts with hoods are not to be worn during Mass.
Students may wear free dress on specially designated days. In general, free dress is attire that is appropriate for school activities, not distracting or demeaning or degrading to self or others. All clothing and appearance should reflect the values of St. Pius X School Catholic School.
Students are to be in uniform on Mass days.
PreK-5th Grade:
Pants, Shorts, Skirts, Dresses
Students may wear properly fitting pants, shorts, skirts and dresses. Jeans, capris, cropped pants, leggings (under shorts, skirts, etc.) etc. are fine as long as they fit properly. All pants, shorts, dresses and skirts must fit at the waist and be no shorter than 3” above the knee. Unacceptable clothing includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Shirts for both boys and girls must have sleeves, may not be form fitting. Sweatshirts and T-shirts are fine if they fit and do not display advertisements for alcohol, tobacco products, offensive language or distracting imagery. Shirts must cover a student’s stomach and back even when arms are raised over the head.
Shoes and Socks
For safety reasons, shoes must be closed, low heeled and soled. Socks must be worn at all times.
Middle School:
J. PE Uniform
Students in grades K-8th should have a designated pair of PE tennis shoes (with non-marking soles) that are not worn outside. Students in grades 6th-8th will change clothes for PE. The following is the uniform code for PE:
- A solid colored T-shirt, St. Pius X School athletic attire is acceptable
- Change of socks
- Solid colored shorts – athletic shorts, “basketball” length
- Shoes (clean, in-door court shoes).