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Parent & Teacher Organization


What is the PTO?

The Parent Teacher Organization supports the teachers, staff, kids, and families of our school.

Who can join the PTO?

Every parent at St. Pius X School is automatically a member of the PTO. Congrats!

How can I get involved?

Join the monthly PTO meetings, volunteer for PTO activities, and send questions/ideas to

Events/Activities PTO Supports:

  • Supporting our amazing teachers and staff
  • Back to School Coffee
  • Support class field trips and yearbooks
  • Trunk or Treat
  • Spring Celebration
  • Uniform Exchanges
  • Room Parent Program
  • Social Media
  • Family Mentor Program

2024-2025 PTO  Board members:

Social Media / Marketing: Marisela Alzuhn
Teacher / Staff Bday Gifts: Eileen Boyd
Technology Co-Coordinator (Panther Portal): Vanessa Camargo
New Family Mentor: Kate Gillem
Communications: Jennifer Gruetzner
School Appreciation Coordinator: Meagan Hensley
Spring Celebration Coordinator: Emily Hiler
Secretary: Audrey Hulme
Treasurer: Erin Molina
Vice President: Kari Mooers
President: Megan Needham
Trunk or Treat Coordinator: Lisa Nichols
Giveback Coordinator: Jamie Price
Uniform Exchange: Michelle Riney
Technology Co-Coordinator (Sign Up Genius): Leema Vincent
Middle School: Mary Wheelwright
Room Parent Program: Amber Wisdom




Have a question for the PTO?
